The Chancellor Family

I'm Elizabeth Chancellor and this is my new family website. I had a very extensive site some years ago, but life got in the way of my being able to keep up. So, now I'm embracing the challenge once again. This will mostly be about family history since genealogy is my passion, but as I am a band director as well, there will be music resources too. Thanks for taking the time to stop by!
On October 17, 2019 we lost our family patriarch, my Dad--Zebbie Lomus Chancellor, Jr. Mom, Doug, and myself were with him until the end. Our hearts are broken and not a day goes by that we don't think of him, but we rejoice that he is with our Heavenly Father and take comfort that we will meet again.
On October 19, 2021 our family suffered another loss. Michael Lomus Chancellor passed away after a brief illness. He was just 62 years old. Those of us left behind mourn his loss, but rejoice in his rebirth with God and reunion with his Dad.